Equity Associates wants to partner with your school!

One in three teenagers struggling with anxiety and depression do not seek mental health help. But why?

Top 4 Reasons Teens Don’t Seek Mental Health Help
  1. Little symptom insight: “I just thought I was my kind of normal.”
  2. Struggle to reveal their feelings: “I was scared of telling people how I felt… I thought they would judge me, and then they’ll think there’s something wrong with me.”
  3. Indecision: “There’s like a part of me that wants help and a part that doesn’t.”
  4. The role of others: “If it weren’t for X, I would still be suffering.”
Top 4 Ways You Can Help Within Your School
  1. Schools can conduct universal mental health screenings to identify at-risk students and offer early intervention.
  2. School-wide health assemblies can introduce warning signs of anxiety and depression, empower students with tools to respond and normalize mental health.
  3. Student surveys can offer opportunities to glean insight from students’ perspectives. Interventions developed with the input of young people are more likely to meet their needs.
  4. Since teens rarely seek help on their own and families often lack knowledge about adolescent mental health services, schools need to be well-connected with referral organizations. Schools can strive to create partnerships that provide accessible, specialized adolescent intervention while giving teens the autonomy to access support quickly and easily within their school settings.

* “Why don’t teenagers seek help for anxiety & depression”

Equity Associates is on a mission to eliminate barriers to accessing quality mental health services for youth in rural schools by creating customized, school-based mental health partnerships with schools.

  • As a referral source for your school we can match your students with targeted mental health intervention within three days of completing our simplified, adolescent-friendly intake process. We accept most major insurances, including Medicaid.
  • Equity Associates is a telemental health provider. Students anywhere, regardless of the geographic area, can get started with therapy just by going to the Get Started with Therapy Link on our website. They can also call or text an Equity Associates Intake Specialist to get started at 1-970-633-0013.
  • If a student is hesitant, they can schedule a free consultation, and a staff member from your school or family member is welcome to join them. We’ve seen the value of a “warm hand-off!” You can find a link to schedule that on this page.

Thanks for being a champion for your student’s mental health. Let us know how Equity Associates can help!

Standalone Referral Option

Accessible to students and their families across Colorado who carry insurance in any geographic area.

*We are credentialed with Medicaid and all major and most insurance companies in Colorado.

Service Success Metrics Costs School Resources Needed How to get Started
with this Option
Equity Associates will independently engage with students/families referred to us to provide individual counseling services to them separate from any connection with your school than the referral.

Equity Associates will process all the paperwork & insurance billing just as any other community mental health partnership option would.

N/A N/A With a Release of Information (ROI) we can communicate with your school-based providers as they reach out to us. Just start sharing our info! We will take care of the rest.

Include us in any referral directories you may share school-wide. Include us in your referral resources or share our website/phone number/content we share with your families & students as a mental health provider option.

Support staff awareness of Equity Associates as a resource when working with students/families.

Standalone Referral Option

Accessible to students and their families across Colorado who carry insurance in any geographic area.

*We are credentialed with Medicaid and all major and most insurance companies in Colorado.


Equity Associates will independently engage with students/families referred to us to provide individual counseling services to them separate from any connection with your school than the referral.

Equity Associates will process all the paperwork & insurance billing just as any other community mental health partnership option would.

Success Metrics




School Resources Needed

With a Release of Information (ROI) we can communicate with your school-based providers as they reach out to us.

How to get Started
with this Option

Just start sharing our info! We will take care of the rest.

Include us in any referral directories you may share school-wide. Include us in your referral resources or share our website/phone number/content we share with your families & students as a mental health provider option.

Support staff awareness of Equity Associates as a resource when working with students/families.