What are school tier 2 and tier 3 services?
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Read this PDF for the complete answer to this question.
To learn about costs associated with Equity Associate’s services, see our School Funding Options page for more information.
Schools partnering in Equity Associates network will need to assign a school staff member to serve as the Equity Associates Liaison. The school’s Equity Associates Liaison will support the coordination of the service delivery of tier-1 and tier-2 [...]
Schools participating in Equity Associates’ Network will be connected with services that meet the unique needs of the school and students. If a psychiatric mental health consultation is deemed necessary, Equity Associates Network will engage with regional psychiatrists [...]
Before a student begins to receive tier 2 and tier 3 services through Equity Associates’ Network, the school’s Equity Associates Liaison will work with Equity Associates’ Collaborative Care Team to develop a family/guardian involvement plan. While most tier [...]
The MTSS and Equity Associates Collaborative Care Models share a common goal of providing a continuum of care that emphasizes evidence-based services, progress monitoring, and data-driven decision making based on student needs. Therefore these teams could be integrated [...]
If the school has a school counselor or dedicated mental health clinician (social worker, licensed professional counselor, etc) it is recommended this staff member serve as the Equity Associates Liaison for the school. A collaborative and systemic partnership [...]
According to ASCA, responsive services are activities designed to meet students’ immediate needs and concerns. Responsive services may include counseling in individual or small-group settings or crisis response (ASCA National Model A Framework For School Counseling Programs, n.d.). Through [...]
Before a student begins to receive tier-2 and tier-3 services through Equity Associates’ Network, the school’s Equity Associates Liaison will work with Equity Associates’ Collaborative Care Team to develop a plan to outline when and where services can best [...]